ez.yummy: The Art and Fun of Food Trips!

Grub Resto Cafe's Spaghetti and Meatballs: A Must Try

If you're a fan of spaghetti, and that of the Italian type, then you'd be a huge fan of Grub's very own Spaghetti and Meatballs. This rich and creamy pasta's taste has a hint of herbs that I couldn't fathom. The reason being the fact that the only herbs whose scent I'm familiar to is the Rosemary and Basil and I'm doubtful of these two's existence in Grub's dish. (Okay, maybe the basil, but not definitely not the Rosemary).

You would maybe know better about what the darned herbs are once you taste this dish. It's spaghetti that is the keeper type. You're in for a treat.

Grub's Spaghetti and Meatballs

Grub's Resto Cafe is located at Duterte Street, Davao City.