ez.yummy: The Art and Fun of Food Trips!

Yellow Cab's Charlie Chan Pasta Made at Home

I have always liked Yellow Cab pizzas. But more than that, I also love one of their specialties, the Charlie Chan Pasta. I looked up this name online as I wondered why they would use a guy's name to label a dish. At first I thought maybe Charlie Chan is a chef who created this yummy treat. Or maybe he is the owner of the food chain itself. Turns out, he's none of the above. All that was was returned in my search results was that of a fictional character. And so I thought to myself maybe they named it after him, the character, to give it a Chinese feel because this pasta did after all, have ingredients of that origin.

I found myself wanting to hit the kitchen and see if I can make my own Charlie Chan Chicken Pasta at home. And so looking up the recipe online, I found that I could actually easily find the ingredients at any local mall! I got excited and hit the nearest grocery stacks immediately! I bought all that I needed as listed in the recipe I found at food.com.

I'm pretty sure you guys could make it too! It was really easy to make. In less than an hour you'll bring Yellow Cab's Charlie Chan Chicken Pasta freshly cooked right out of your stove and into your own hungry stomach.  My finished product is not spicy at all! That kinda frustrated me because I wanted it to be really spicy like the one from Yellow Cab. Next time, I'll make sure to put in more chilli-garlic sauce. And I'll add some garnish to. AND I'll try to improve on the texture. See image below to see my first attempt at a home made Charlie Chan and click on the link after it to view the full recipe and complete directions.
The Charlie Chan Chicken Pasta that I cooked at home
Here's the complete details of the recipe and how to cook it from my new EZ Pasta blog:  How to Make Yellow Cab's Charlie Chan Pasta


Raine said...

Always love this pasta! Cge i'll share this recipe with the hubby and we'll give it a try :) Thanks for sharing

admin said...

Awesome, raine :) Let me know how it went... :D

Raine said...

kat asa mapalit ning Char Siu sauce? :D

admin said...

naa siya sa Gsouth raine...didto sa may section na duol sa mga spices..sa mga racks na duol sa veggies section..

Susie said...

when i tried your creation... its was like wow! graving for more! gonna get the ingredient later! mwah! thanks sa inspiration!!!

admin said...

aww you're too kind sue :* tenkyou! im sure you'll rock this recipe even better than i did..after all, i got all this whole pasta cooking thing from you :P so thank YOU :* see yah later!mwah!

Mikimoto Angel said...

Hello, I found your blog while searching for details about Harley Motor Cafe. Your blog is really appetizing. Hehe! BTW, I'm your new follower. I hope you follow me back. :-)

Much love from Mystic Nymph.

admin said...

Hi Mystic Nymph. Checking out your blog! Thanks for being here! <3

admin said...

Hi Mystic Nymph. Checking out your blog! Thanks for being here! <3